RSCDS Calgary Branch

Workshop Support

Workshop Reimbursement

Active RSCDS Calgary members may be reimbursed up to $400/person (maximum $200/event) per fiscal year for Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) and/or SCD musician workshop registration and accommodation costs.  The Workshop must be outside the Calgary area and within Alberta. This reimbursement is contingent upon the continued receipt of Casino Funding and as such, all Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) funding use rules will be adhered to. This is subject to annual reviews for fund availability, budget reviews, and AGLC rule updates.

Reimbursement Includes
Requirements for Reimbursement

The form and receipts must be submitted to the Calgary Branch Treasurer (in person or via mail) within 30 days of the workshop. Couples may use a single form to submit their receipts together.

Receipts submitted after the close of the fiscal year (Apr 30) will not be reimbursed unless the workshop took place in April.